Category: Wordpress

Relevant Wordpress

Elementor vs Divi: Are You Choosing the Wrong Page-Builder?

It seems like almost weekly I’m hearing of a new WordPress page builder. Over the past 10 years, I’ve seen page builders come and go. Some are good, some are great, and some plain terrible. However there are two that have stood the test of time: Elementor and Divi. The Divi vs Elementor debate isRead More


Free Gutenberg WooCommerce Blocks – ShopCred Your Best Solution

Great news is knocking on the doors of eCommerce shopkeepers using WordPress. Nowadays, people are working on developing online stores and choosing WooCommerce to work with. A recent survey from Barn2 says WooCommerce controls 25% of the market share. Despite the fact, WooCommerce could be an incredible plugin to construct eCommerce but it has aRead More

Elementor Wordpress

How To Design Black Friday Landing Pages With Exclusive Addon

The finest product offers will be available during Black Friday which is quickly approaching. Will you miss grabbing the offers of the Black Friday Sale and raising your revenue in a day? So don’t miss giving an attractive look to your site during the festive season.No Worries! Exclusive Addons have introduced catchy templates to buildRead More


Why do you need to use a Multilingual WordPress Plugin on your site?

Want to retain more traffic and even gain more traffic? Then it’s time to think about translating your content into different languages.If you are looking to just translate a few posts at a time, rather than everything on your site, I recommend using a third-party service for high accuracy at a low price point. So,Read More

Elementor Wordpress

How To Build Amazon Affiliate Websites With WordPress And Elementor

If you’re looking to get started building Amazon affiliate websites, WordPress is a great platform to use. With WordPress, you can build simple or advanced affiliate websites without any coding or design experience. It’s easy to set up and manage, and there are a variety of plugins and themes available that make it easy toRead More


How Does WordPress Cache Mechanism Work?

Keeping the speed meter up and high is a challenging task for websites like WordPress. That is because WordPress sites are loaded with assets like plugins, CSS scripts, large-size media files, and more. Therefore it is very important to optimize the performance of websites built with WordPress.WordPress cache is a feature that helps speed upRead More

Elementor Wordpress

A Quick And Easy Way To Add A Scrolling Ticker On Wordpress With News Ticker Widgets

You must have seen the scroller on the television screen that shows the latest news updates, aka breaking news. In this digital era, like other platforms, news has also moved online. So do the features like live news tickers.On a website, the news ticker is a scrolling column of news stories. The ticker can beRead More

Relevant Wordpress

How To Create Automated Travel Website With WordPress & Elementor

The world is becoming a smaller place. More people are traveling and seeking new experiences. With a website and the right sets of information, you can make the travel experience easier, and more organized for travelers around the world.If you own a company that arranges trips for others, a website is definitely beneficial for you.Read More

Elementor Wordpress

How Do I Show Google Review On WordPress: The Easy Guide

Traditionally, word-of-mouth aka verbal references used to play the role of building goodwill for businesses. In this digital era, reviews have become the word-of-mouth for online businesses. Reviews build the bridge of trust between the business and customers.Certainly, when it comes to legitimacy, there is nothing more credible than Google reviews. That is because GoogleRead More