
Introduce your team with Elementor Team Members Widget

If you want to build up a healthy relationship of trust between the business and the customer, what do you do? Prove that you are credible.
Sometimes, knowing in person can bring credibility to your service. Let the users know your identity and your value. Okay right. But how? Today, I am going to introduce you to a widget that helps you to solve your problem.
Yes, the Elementor Team Members widget is the right way. Team Member Widget helps you to focus on two goals. First off, it allows you to create a healthy relationship with your customers.
So, if you’re ready, let’s take a look at the Team Member widget for Elementor.

About Elementor Team Members Widget

Introducing team members is a great way to build an interconnection with your customers. It brings credibility to your organization and removes any hint of being a faceless entity.
Exclusive Addons comes with the Elementor Team Members Widget. This element helps to tell you about your team: firm employees, business colleagues, and others.
You can include the name of the employees, their designation, social media accounts link also. It allows you to establish groups and show the structure of your team, choose layouts, colors, and more.
For instance, you might be running a sports club or a volunteering organization. In which case, you’d probably want to showcase your team members. But why? Because, you can increase the trustworthiness of your company, showing a picture, publishing contact info, and a custom text about each member individually.

What Can You With Team Member Widget

  • Display Personal Details with Image
  • Full Control Over Contents and Styles
  • Option to Link Social Profiles
  • Add Animating Mask To Profile Image
  • Choose Image Size and Add CSS Filters
  • Fully Responsive Element
The Elementor Team Members Widget from Exclusive Addons gives you the flexibility to introduce your team members stylishly. The widget is actually an individual card view for your team members.
Using the team member widget, you can show personal details like Name, Designation, and Description with a profile photo. You have the option to set the image size.
Besides, an option to add a CTA button is also available. Moreover, you have the opportunity to link your social profile links. Display the social icons with the links to the social profiles.
Exclusive Addons gives you super flexible styling options. You can literally customize every design of the team member section the way you want.

How to use the Elementor Team Members Widget

It’s easy! Exclusive Addons provides the easiest way to showcase team members’ details on your WordPress site. Firstly, drag & drop the element from widget list on the left. Then configure the widget from the editor panel.
In the Content tab, you can set the team member information from the Content section. The Social Profile section lets you link social profiles with icons.
Your ultimate freedom to customize the widget opens with the Style tab. You can set the individual styles for each section. That includes Image, Content, Name, Designation, Description, Social Icons, and Animating Maks.
Get full documentation of the Team Member widget to know how to configure and style the widget.
Team Member widget is an Elementor widget. So, knowing to use Elementor is a prerequisite. You must know about how to create a website with Elementor.

Why showcasing team details is important?

No matter if you’re writing a blog, advertising something online, or starting a business, you have to be unsophisticated.
Your customers and visitors spread the word about you, and this is what you want more and more. Simple, right? Well, not quite. The team member widget is the best way to do that.
The team member element allows you to brief some information about your team and their social media profiles with creativity and innovatively. And all your employees meet the team cards for the team member wordpress plugin.
Moreover, visitors can contact individuals and get help with their issues or requests.

Final Words

So, I hope you are looking forward to the team member widget for your site. Exclusive Addons provide you with the team member widget without any cost.
This widget helps you to add credibility by introducing your team members to a short profile. Let your visitors get to know you and your team. Now, Time to download and explore!